What is fuel poverty?
A household is said to be fuel poor if it has above-average energy costs, and if paying those costs would push it below the poverty line as far as its remaining income was concerned.
There are 3 important elements in determining whether a household is fuel poor:
- High fuel prices for gas and electricity
- Low household income: lower income households (below £16k) are likely to spend more of their budget on fuel and this means that their leftover income is low enough to push them over the poverty threshold
- Poor energy efficiency: poorly insulated homes lose energy more easily, meaning households have to spend more money to keep them warm
Who does it affect?
According to the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), fuel poverty affects an estimated 2.55 million households in England (2016). This represents around 11% of UK households. This figure rises to an astonishing 19.4% of households in the private rented sector.
82.1% of all fuel-poor households are considered vulnerable, that is one containing children, the elderly, or someone with a long-term illness or disability.
How can we help?
We can help you apply for certain services, discounts and grants that will help keep your home warm and keep you healthy and well. You may be eligible for the services below if you:
- are of pensionable age
- are disabled or chronically sick
- have a long-term medical condition
- have a hearing or visual impairment or additional communication needs
- are in a vulnerable situation
Priority Service Register
The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by suppliers and network operators. People on the register are given advance notice of planned power cuts and priority in an emergency situation, meter-reading services and accessible information (braille or a foreign language where possible).
Winter fuel payments
The Winter Fuel Payment is a government scheme set up to help older people afford their energy bills every year. It’s available if you’re born on or before 5 August 1953, and is worth between £100 and £300 per person every year.
Cold weather payments
Cold weather payments are part of another government scheme that gives eligible people £25 for every period of seven days where the temperature reaches zero degrees Celsius or below.
Warm Home Discount scheme
The warm home discount scheme offers to help you with your energy bill, giving you up to £140 as a one-time discount.
For advice and support around fuel poverty, email [email protected].
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Citizens Advice
British Gas
Energy Saving Trust
UK Power Networks
Moneysaving Expert